How Coyote Stole Fire
A Native American Tale
Pre-treatment activities
- Students read the titles and give their opinions on what they think the story is going to be about.
- These pictures help the students to guess what the story is going to be about.
- Students listen to the beginning of the story before reading it.
Treatment activities
- Create a comic using the main characters imagining the end of the story.
These are some pages to use:
- Read a paragraph in the middle of the text, and try to guess what goes after.
- At the beginning of the folktale, Coyote hears the Humans "singing a sad song about their lost loved ones." What do you think this song sounded like? What stories and feelings do you think the Humans sang about? In groups create a song that the Humans would sing at the end of the folktale Maybe you will even want to perform this song for your classmates!
- This is a reading comprehension exercise but made more interesting and fun by the fact that the information is displayed around the room and students have a time limit to go round in pairs and find as many answers as possible in that time.
- Put a few copies of worksheet 4b up around the classroom. If your classroom has enough space, cut the sheets into three sections and put the sections up in different parts of the room. That way, students have to move around the room to find all the answers.
- FACT or FICTION? This tale explains how human beings learned about the fire. It also explains why animals have certain characteristics. Review what the script says about each animal and then, create a blog.
- Listen and repeat paying attention to the intonation of the end of the sentence.
Post-treatment activities
- Make a debate about the morality of the story using these questions:
· Why did the humans need fire?
· Why did Coyote want to help?
· What Coyote demonstrate to put his life in danger for getting the fire for humans?
· How he and his friends feel then?
· What did Wood do? How did Wood help bring fire to the humans?
- Perform the scene they really like the most.
- Create an online glossary with words you don’t know because they can be useful to your classmates. (
- How Coyote Stole Fire explains how Coyote, Chipmunk, and Robin came to have special markings on their bodies. Create before and after images of Coyote, Chipmunk, and Robin. Show how these three animals looked before they stole the fire, and then show how they looked after. How have they changed?
- What do you think would happen if a sequel, How Coyote Stole Fire Part 2, were created? Would the Fire Beings create a plan to reclaim fire? Would the Humans encounter a new threat to their survival? Would Coyote, Chipmunk, and Robin work together to perform another heroic act for a different group in need? Work with a partner or with a group to create a sequel to this folktale. Be sure to consider characters, setting, plot, theme, and illustrations.
- Auction game: grammar and vocab revision.
- Like a quiz, make some questions to the students about the text. They in groups have to answer quickly and correctly to be the winners.
- Divide the staging are into three parts: the village, the woodland grove, and the mountain of the Fire Beings. Make your students create a mural of each of the “characters” to display behind the readers during the performance of the scrip.
- Create a digital storytelling about a myth or legend of the Pacific Northwest.
- As the text follow a cause-effect structure, try to write everything you know about it.
Cause and Effect
When this happened This was the result
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